Merry Christmas!
- December, 22 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
In the month of December, we've been having an outreach for the neighborhood

We have been meeting weekly with our launch team, where we study God's word, pray and plan. Those who have joined the team have a passion for the unreached, and have brought an excitement that has blessed and encouraged us!
What's ahead...
In January, we plan to continue meeting new people and deepening

There is some traveling that Godfrey would like to do to the Northern Region. This is the unreached area. We've heard many good things are beginning to happen there and it is a good time to check it out.
January & February is a time called "Harmattan" when fierce winds blow and it gets extremely dry, dusty & hot. So as you are bundling up to head outside or enjoying some time warming by a fire, please remember us in prayer. This is a physically tough time and our bodies will need time to adjust. It is challenging to do outside activities, as we have been doing. We are looking for more creative ways to continue to show the love of Christ by serving those around us.
Our main goal, with God's help, is to launch Serve Ghana Community Church in 2015, to reach the unr eached with the gospel.
We’ve gotten many requests for a mailing address:
How to find us...
US address: Ghana address:
Godfrey & Carolyn Onwunili Godfrey & Carolyn Onwunili
PO Box 146 c/o Percy Boamah
Eden, WI 53019 PO Box KN725 Kaneshie
Accra, Ghana